Saturday, October 11, 2014

Forever in love with the moon

Mix Bakeshop
16oz decaf Americano (w/cinnamon because I will not hide my love for the autumn spices!)

I made my mom cry last time, so we're going with something a little lighter this week...  I woke up from a dream with a song in my head.  It was complete in my dream and had a sing-song, waltzy quality to it.  Of course, I couldn't remember more than the last few lines upon waking... which have become the chorus in this song, constructed from the remnants of that dream.

In honor of the moon being especially spectacular this week...

A Waltz for the Moon

Nothing is nearer
nor more distant than a dream
No extremities farther flung
than the arms of this galaxy
And all I want is
to wrap them around us
til all the stars fall in
and together we are crushed
by the gravity

My feet are earth-bound
but I'm forever in love with the moon
Love dies on the ground
and I'm forever in love with the moon

A million years searching
every glance for the starlight,
confusing candlelight for supernovae
while black holes await
my over-eager heart

My feet are earth-bound
I'm forever in love with the moon
Love dies on the ground
I'm forever in love with the moon

Warm curves of earth cradle me
on red fallen leaves,
I inhale the first rains of autumn,
more sensations surrounding
than there are stars in the sky

But I remain
the steadfast astronomer
hungering for light
from stars already fading,
untouched by the dewy grass
on which I lay

My feet are earth-bound
I'm forever in love with the moon
Love dies on the ground
I'm forever in love with the moon

Forever in love with the moon

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